Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Celebrate the International Day of Action for Rivers by Amy Souers Kober

Today, March 14, marks the 15th year of celebration of the International Day of Action for Rivers.

River activists around the world have planned more than 50 events in 30 countries.

This is a day to celebrate victories like the removal of obsolete dams, and the restoration of our rivers. After all, healthy rivers give us so much – clean drinking water, abundant fish and wildlife, opportunities for recreation, and a whole host of other economic and quality of life benefits.

For a little inspiration, just look at this recent before/after photo of Elwha Dam on Washington’s Elwha River. Demolition began in September, and now the lower river is free-flowing!

The Elwha restoration is just one of our recent successes. We’re also celebrating the fact that the Obama Administration is making healthy rivers a priority through its America’s Great Outdoors Initiative. Through the creation of a National Water Trails System, and other river restoration and protection initiatives, the administration is giving communities the tools to make their rivers cleaner and healthier, and improve access and recreation.

Looking for inspiration? Here are some ideas on how to celebrate your rivers:

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