Friday, February 10, 2012

African Water Mission

                                       How one person can make a difference.           

                A WORLD OF WATER: Jo Shippey will swap her office for the slums to help provide clean water.

A WATER company worker will take a busman's holiday when she helps provide safe water for some of the world's poorest villagers.

Jo Shippey, from Canterbury, is a communications officer for South East Water. She will travel to Zambia on Sunday to spend a week working with WaterAid.

During her trip, she will visit WaterAid projects in urban slums and rural villages to see how money raised by South East Water is used.

She will also spend a day with a Zambian family living without clean water.

Speaking ahead of her trip, Ms Shippey said: "It's easy to take clean water for granted when it comes at the turn of a tap, but 884 million people do not have this basic necessity. They have no choice but to drink dirty water that may make them sick or even fatally ill.

"This trip is a chance for me to see for myself the work that WaterAid is doing to change this. It is going to be an extremely emotional and life-changing experience."

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