Monday, October 31, 2011

Problem solving by Octopus vulgaris

Earlier I posted a video showing for the first time a fish, a wrasse in this case, using a tool. Scroll down and you'll find it. It immediately reminded me of one of my favorite problem solving animals, the octopus. A jar, containing a crab, sealed with a stopper, is placed into the tank with the octopus. The octopus examines it. He sees the crab, but can not reach it. He withdraws to his liar to consider the problem. A moment later he comes out of his liar and envelopes the jar again. But this time he removes the stopper, reaches in and gets his reward. A tasty crab dinner. That's the smartest cephalopod I know.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I guys,

    Check the Octopus page at
    a comprehensive catalogue of marine species to sea lovers.
