Monday, November 14, 2011

SCUBA Diving

To ask, "how safe is scuba diving?" one could easily answer with another question, "how responsible is the scuba diver?" Scuba diving is a sport with risks, like every other sport. What makes scuba diving seem riskier than other sports is the fear associated with drowning and the nervousness using a scuba system as "life support". Many people are afraid of water, afraid of sharks, afraid of relying on a strange contraption of hoses and tanks to provide air in an airless environment. In reality, scuba diving is not as dangerous as people seem to believe and in those rare instances of a scuba fatality it is almost always shown diver recklessness was the cause.

In popular lists of the "most dangerous sports" (including one by Forbes) two kinds of underwater diving are often mentioned. The list does include some sports which strike me as being truly dangerous: base jumping (throwing oneself off a tall building), street luge (sledding down a road at up to 80 mph), bull riding (and anyone who has watched a rodeo must agree). Why scuba diving even makes it on the list is a mystery. I assume the compilers included scuba because they are afraid of it. The statistics just don't support the assertion.
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NAUI National Association of Underwater Instructors 

PADI Professional Association of Diving Instructors 


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