Saturday, February 25, 2012

Five Recommended Water Conservation Books by James Madeiros

Sometimes having easy access to clean water hampers the ability to imagine what it is like for the nearly 1 billion people who have no such access or the 3.5 million who die each year from a water-related disease.

The terrible truth is that at some point these huge numbers can cause the more fortunate among the world’s population – the people most capable of creating change – to shutter their ears against pleas for activism and more water conservation.

Information is one tool that can help break through the cacophony of depressing statistics and there is a growing body of work that details the world water crisis in ways that can humanize the problem and spur people to action.

The five books here are a great place to start to learn more about the water crisis, water conservation methods, and ways to help those in need.

Water economist, author and blogger David Zetland’s discusses the ways contemporary water economics has failed to effectively address water scarcity and offers solutions on how to best utilize the world’s most vital natural resource.

Charles Fishman takes readers on an incredible journey that retraces the history of water from both scientific and sociological perspectives, at once explaining civilization’s relationship with water over the centuries while giving readers a deeper understanding of water’s origins and various forms.

3. Elixir: A History of Water and Humankind
As the title suggests, author Brian Fagan treats readers to a history of water as seen through the eyes of civilizations past, present and future. Fagan’s narrative helps readers reconnect with water by charting the evolution of human use and reliance on it through the millennia.

Cynthia Barnett stabs at the heart of water waste in the United States by taking an unflinching look at the ways Americans use and abuse water with abandon. Watering lawns that don’t need it and leaving taps open to run with no thought about the consequences are crimes Barnett is convinced the country can no longer afford to allow.

5. Water: The Epic Struggle for Wealth, Power, and Civilization
As the age of water abundance shifts to one of water scarcity, it is becoming more apparent that water will likely evolve into a commodity not unlike oil as need grows while the resource dwindles. Author Steven Solomon examines water from this perspective – as a life-giving resource the control of which has created and destroyed empires.

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