Tuesday, November 8, 2011

The Lemonpeel Angelfish

The Lemonpeel Angelfish is a cheery yellow with sky-blue highlights on the lips, encircling the eyes, on the pectoral fins, and the tips of the dorsal, caudal, and anal fins. To avoid confusion with the False Lemonpeel Angelfish (C. heraldi) that lacks the blue highlights, this angelfish is also referred to as the True Lemonpeel Angelfish. 

They are distributed throughout the Indo-Pacific region, but several of these fish have been reported to inhabit the reef near He'eia Pier in Kaneohe Bay on Oahu, Hawai'i. Not an endemic species to the Hawaiian Islands, Keoki Stender states on his that the illegal release of unwanted aquarium pets into nearshore waters (INT's) is believed to be the case of why they are present.

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