Monday, March 19, 2012

Water IInfrastructure Changes May Impact Quality and Supply in the Future

People living in the United States have long taken for granted their public water systems, purchasing bottled water in droves. However, U.S. Congressman Bob Gibbs (R-Ohio) recently urged water utility leaders to ask their Congressional representatives to sponsor the creation of a federal Water Infrastructure Finance and Innovation Authority (WIFIA), American Water Works Association reports.

The committee would address water infrastructure needs in the United States, hoping to provide people with safe and reliable water delivery systems. While many other parts of the world have greater issues concerning their water quality, U.S. officials aren’t found of how the water infrastructure has been taken for granted as of late.

The formation of the committee is still in its planning stages, but people concerned with their water supply can make changes today. Instead of drinking water straight from the tap or purchasing wasteful disposable plastics, Americans can install filtered water delivery systems in their homes.

In addition, business owners can make an even bigger stance by switching to point-of-use water coolers in the workplace. The water dispensers hook into the building’s main water supply and filter out bacteria and germs. While the laws that govern water in the U.S. are ever changing, people can make sure they remain hydrated and healthy by drinking from filtered systems.

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