Friday, November 11, 2011

The Taiji Massacre

There are a few countries which still take part in inhumane dolphin hunts. These countries include Brazil, Peru the Solomon Islands and Denmark in specific the Faroe Islands.

However the largest massacre of dolphins takes place in the waters surrounding Japan, where more than 20,000 of these marine mammals are killed annually. Usually these sensitive animals are harpooned with barbed spears, however a large number of dolphins are captured and murdered in a process called “drive fishing” or “oikomi” as it is known in Japanese.

Drive fishing occurs in mainly coastal towns such as Futo and Taiji. The small fishing town of Taiji lies on the tip of a peninsular that runs in to the Pacific Ocean and is home to the largest dolphin massacre on the face of the planet. During the “driving” season which runs from October to March, in this small picturesque town alone up to 2,500 dolphins are viciously hacked to death every year.

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