Sunday, November 6, 2011

Cheap water purification using: SODIS (Solar Water Disinfection)

Solar water disinfection - the SODIS method - is a simple procedure to disinfect drinking water. Contaminated water is filled in a transparent PET-bottle or glass bottle and exposed to the sun for 6 hours. During this time, the UV-radiation of the sun kills diarrhoea generating pathogens. The SODIS-method helps to prevent diarrhoea and thereby is saving lives of people. This is urgently necessary as still more than 4000 children die every day from the consequences of diarrhoea.

SODIS (abbreviation of Solar Water Disinfection) is an initiative of Eawag. We facilitate the dissemination of the SODIS-method in developing countries. Thereby people in the south get access to safe drinking water and can improve their health in the long term.
Connect with SODIS 

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