Sunday, February 5, 2012

UNICEF Inspired Gifts

Water Pump
Water is life, yet still more than 1 billion people lack access to safe drinking water and more than 2 billion lack basic sanitation. It is estimated that nearly 6,000 children die every day from diarrhea caused by poor sanitation and contaminated drinking water.  But a water pump not only provides safe drinking water, it stops women and children from having to walk miles,  often in dangerous situations, to fetch water for their families.

By purchasing a water pump you will help provide clean, safe drinking water for an entire community.

Inspired Gift in Action 
Djibouti is one of several counties at the epicenter of the famine and food crisis that is overwhelming the Horn of Africa. The supplies of potable water are critically low.

Even before this current food crisis, more than 49% of people in the rural areas of Djibouti did not have access to safe drinking water. Without education on health and sanitation, many Djiboutian mothers have been unwittingly putting their children’s lives in danger by giving infants as young as one-month-of-age unprotected water.

In a matter of weeks 20,000 people have been supported with the repair of 30 existing wells, which have been deepened, sanitary sealed, and fitted with hand pumps, providing safe and permanent access to affordable water sources at reasonable distances from the home.

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