Over 70 hydel projects are being constructed in the
Alaknanda and Bhagirathi basins in Uttarakhand, adversely impacting over
9,000 hectares of forest land, the holy confluences of rivers and
several wildlife parks. A Wildlife Institute of India report recommends
that 24 of these projects be scrapped
If you want to visit the Valley of Flowers National Park or the
Nandadevi Biosphere Reserve in Uttarakhand, plan it this August. If you
want to see the Alaknanda and Mandakini rivers en route to Kedarnath and
Badrinath, do it soon. The rivers may soon disappear. If you’re looking
forward to seeing the confluence of the rivers (called holy prayags,
one of which, the Vishnuprayag, has already been destroyed), rush,
because they’re all slated for extinction. With dams and big hydro
projects planned in this region, sanctioned by the Ministry of
Environment and Forests (MoEF) and some already under construction,
there may be little reason to visit these places in the coming years,
unless you like looking at dry riverbeds and muck-disposal sites.
The Wildlife Institute of India’s (WII) report which is a cumulative
impact assessment of hydropower projects on the terrestrial and aquatic
ecology of the Alaknanda and Bhagirathi basins was finally put up on the
MoEF website on April 16, 2012, more than three months after it was
submitted, but just a day before an NGRBA (National Ganga River Basin
Authority) meeting. The timing is significant. While the MoEF can claim
credit for putting the study up before the meeting, none of the members,
and very few external experts and mediapersons, were able to go through
the report, support it or raise and record their concerns before the
NGBRA meet.
Over 70 hydel projects are in various stages of completion,
construction and planning in the Alaknanda and Bhagirathi basins, though
some accounts put the number at 300. If all these projects, with a
combined installed capacity of at least 9,563 MW, go ahead, they will
lead to the deforestation of at least 9,494.68 hectares of forest land
and adversely affect 655 km of river length. Many of these projects are
entirely or partially inside the Gangotri National Park, Kedarnath
Wildlife Sanctuary, Nandadevi Wildlife Sanctuary and the Valley of
Flowers National Park (UNESCO World Heritage Sites of outstanding
universal value).
They will pose a threat to 16 fish species, five rare
and endangered mammals (including the snow leopard, brown bear and mouse
deer), five rare and endangered bird species, 55 rare and endangered
plant species, over 300 medicinal herbs, and hundreds of plants that are
used by locals in varied ways.
Despite an unusually large number of projects under consideration in
the Alaknanda and Bhagirathi river basins, which would adversely affect
culturally and ecologically important rivers, the Panch Prayags, and
outstanding biodiversity, the MoEF did not suo moto order any
cumulative impact assessment studies. This was done only when the CEC
and Supreme Court gave explicit directions to the Forest Advisory
Committee, in February 2009, to conduct assessment studies for the
In June 2010, the forest conservation division of the MoEF assigned
the study to the Wildlife Institute of India. And the National River
Conservation Directorate (NRCD) assigned a ‘Cumulative Impacts on the
Environmental Side of the Projects in Bhagirathi and Alaknanda River
Basins in Uttarakhand’ study to AHEC-IITR (Alternate Hydro Energy
Centre-Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee). AHEC submitted its
report in March 2011, while the WII submitted its interim report on five
projects that had applied for forest clearance to the MoEF. In May
2011, the Forest Advisory Committee rejected forest clearances to three
of these projects.
Evidently these are important reports that, in the words of the prime
minister, at the third NGRBA meeting, will “guide what actions we need
to take pending formulation of a long-term policy” for the Ganga river (http://pib.nic.in/newsite/erelease.aspx?relid=82308).
Unfortunately, however, the IIT-Roorkee report on the cumulative
impact of these projects was of such poor quality that the Expert
Appraisal Committee (EAC) for river valley projects of the MoEF slammed
the report and is paying no heed to it. Civil society too rejected the
report, which reads like a mouthpiece for hydropower developers and
refuses to take a considered, independent and unbiased stand. The South
Asia Network on Dams, Rivers and People (SANDRP) has prepared a detailed
critique of the report. It also published a critique of the river
ecology aspects of the report, by Emmanuel Theophilus, Himal Prakriti,
Uttarakhand (4).
More importantly, the report failed to come up with any sort of cumulative assessment of the impact of dams in the region.
In this context, the WII report is critical. While providing slick
lip-service to terms like ‘cumulative impact assessment’ and
‘sustainable development’, the MoEF is blatantly giving individual
clearance to projects. In a shocking incident, the MoEF actually
sanctioned a project in this region that has been rejected by the
Forest Advisory Committee twice for the extensive and
irreversible ecological damage it will cause! (It has also been rejected
in the WII’s interim report.) This was done on the basis of
representation by the project developers to environment minister Jayanti
Natrajan. Why would the minister be ready to listen to persons with
vested interests rather than the expert environment body commissioned by
the ministry?
According to its mandate, the WII report can help assess the
cumulative impact of massive projects being planned in the Bhagirathi
and Alaknanda basins. It can also help initiate a discussion on the
value we ascribe to outstanding, protected biodiversity, rivers and
related natural resources and the livelihoods of people who depend on
them, and the services they provide, vis-à-vis our current development
paradigm and planning and decision-making processes.
Despite some serious flaws, the WII has done a much better job of the
task given to it than the AHEC. The report has evolved thinking about
some of the cumulative impacts, linked them with hydropower development
and devised a methodology to address these impacts, integrating
biodiversity and impact values. The methodology comes up with multiple
scenarios of cumulative impacts on sub-basins with or without projects.
Importantly, the WII has moved away from project-centric impacts and has
assessed cumulative impacts on the terrestrial and aquatic ecology at a
sub-basin level, dividing the two basins into 18 sub-basins. Cumulative
impacts can be better seen on a landscape scale than on a project
scale. After a baseline study of the aquatic and terrestrial ecology of
the region, the report has assigned biodiversity values to individual
basins. Based on the projects planned and their nature (run of
river/storage), a score card for impacts has been made. In the final
matrix, biodiversity scores and impact scores are superimposed to give
an idea of the overall impact on the sub-basin. These impacts range from
low, moderate and high to very high.
Critically important habitats of valued biodiversity components significantly overlap with locations of hydropower projects in the Alaknanda and Bhagirathi basins (WII, April 2012)
Based on these cumulative impacts, a ‘list of proposed projects that may be reviewed for combined benefits of reducing impacts on both, aquatic and terrestrial biodiversity and for acceptable outcomes from hydropower development for biodiversity conservation and societal wellbeing’ has been put forward. The list of projects to be reviewed (recommended for exclusion/scrapping) features 24 projects. According to the report, ‘ecological prudence requires that securing long-term biodiversity conservation should get precedence over economic considerations visualised in commissioning these 24 projects’.
The report also recommends that the rivers Nayar and Balganga, which
are of critical importance for their aquatic biodiversity, especially
fish populations, should be declared fish conservation reserves and
should be protected from further degradation and hydel projects. These
two stretches are comparatively less disturbed.
For projects already in operation, the study recommends ‘monitoring
for compliance of clearance conditions and conducting environmental
audits to identify areas of negligence in environmental management so
that regulatory frameworks can be better tailored for ensuring the
reduction in the combined footprint of all projects operating in the
However, it is an open secret that the MoEF does not have
the will, capacity or the inclination to actually do this. Instead of
setting up monitoring committees full of uninterested bureaucrats, it
would be more effective if the committees saw 50% local participation
and are empowered to make corrective recommendations whenever required.
While accepting that dropping these 24 projects would mean reducing power-generation capacity by 27%, the report significantly states that India has one of the world’s highest power transmission losses -- about 30-40% -- against a global average of 15%. A better and more effective power transmission management system could, to a large extent, offset this loss in power generation. This is a welcome statement as this and the falling per MW electricity production in India’s hydro sector, non-optimisation of peaking power generation and sanctioning of unviable capacities are issues that are consistently ignored whilst lobbying for more dams.
While accepting that dropping these 24 projects would mean reducing power-generation capacity by 27%, the report significantly states that India has one of the world’s highest power transmission losses -- about 30-40% -- against a global average of 15%. A better and more effective power transmission management system could, to a large extent, offset this loss in power generation. This is a welcome statement as this and the falling per MW electricity production in India’s hydro sector, non-optimisation of peaking power generation and sanctioning of unviable capacities are issues that are consistently ignored whilst lobbying for more dams.
Although the WII study has some strengths, it also has some major lacunae which need to be addressed urgently:
- Number of projects underestimated: Though the study mentions that only 70 projects are commissioned, under construction and in the planning stage, the number is clearly much greater. As an example, the study has not included commissioned projects like the 144 MW Chilla, 0.4 MW Tharali, 0.8 MW Tapovan or planned projects like the 745 MW Utyasu (I-IV), 745 MW Birahiganga, 72 MW Bagoli or 44 MW Bangri. This is a very serious lapse. The AHEC study lists 244 projects in various stages of construction in Uttarakhand, of which a majority are in the Alaknanda and Bhagirathi basins. The number needs to be re-checked on an urgent basis and additional projects included in the list.
- No mention of impacts of peaking power: All hydropower projects are supposed to generate maximum peaking power, as this is supposed to be their USP. Peaking power, even if regulated with strict e-flow norms, can lead to huge downstream fluctuations in water levels, affecting ecosystems and communities. This has been one of the central points of discussion in basin studies on rivers in the Northeast like the Lohit and the Siang. However, the issue of peaking power does not find a single mention in the WII report -- a huge omission that has to addressed as it will add to the cumulative impacts.
- Livelihood issues: Another serious weakness of the WII study is that it does not consider livelihoods that depend on the ecological goods and services of river systems in the region. It simply states: ‘In addition to the expansion of urban areas, road-building activities and, in recent times, hydroelectric projects have further marginalised the individual landholding in Uttarakhand. These projects are certainly going to engulf the already marginalised productive agricultural fields, thus implying more hardship to local populations in times to come.’ Itadds that degrading ecosystem goods and services from a flowing river impairs social and economic development and could have an adverse influence on livelihoods, income and local migration, which in turn may lead to unrest and even political conflict.
There was huge scope here to study the impacts of such projects and
put them to decision-makers so that the so-called economic benefits may
be compared with livelihood and ecological losses. The report has not
done this. The impact score card devised by the WII should have included
impacts on settlements and villages, drinking water sources and
streams, fisheries, riparian farming, groundwater recharge, fodder for
animals, medicinal plant use, etc.
Aesthetic, cultural, spiritual and religious values do not find
mention either, in the report. The AHEC-IITR report also falls short on
this front. Considering the cultural importance of the Ganga and Panch
Prayags (five confluences, namely Dev Prayag, Karna Prayag, Rudra
Prayag, Nanda Prayag and Vishnu Prayag; the last of this was destroyed
by the Vishnu Prayag HEP) in the hearts of millions of Indians, the
omission is serious.
There is also no mention of the protected status of 135 km of the
Bhagirathi river, nor the cumulative impacts of allied activities like
road-construction, muck-disposal, quarrying, extracting material from
riverbeds, blasting, tunnelling, settlements, etc.
The report is also silent on the issue of climate change and its
impact on biodiversity, glaciers, methane emissions from storage
reservoirs, and the unique biodiversity value of the cryosphere. No
consideration has been given to the free-flowing distance between two
dams. Or the cumulative impact of changed silt flow on the biodiversity
and geomorphology downstream. This is a big omission as changed silt
patterns have far-reaching effects on the region’s aquatic and
terrestrial biodiversity.
The environmental flows section in the report is a major let-down.
They have used methodologies based on the ecological management class
(EMC) and ecological needs of fish. The EMC methodology was put forward
by Vladimir Smakhtin et al in 2007 and the authors themselves
say in the paper: ‘The set of indicators used here is very preliminary
and the selection of indicators needs to be revisited. Apart from the
rather general nature of some indicators, no indicators relating to the
social importance of rivers have been considered in the approach, at
present. This is acknowledged as a serious limitation and one that needs
to be addressed in future work.’
Environmental flow describes the ‘quantity, quality and timing of
water flows required to sustain freshwater and estuarine ecosystems and
the human livelihoods and wellbeing that depend on these ecosystems’
(Brisbane Declaration 2007). The social aspects of e-flows cannot simply
be brushed aside, as the WII report has done.
The report claims to have used the building block methodology to
calculate e-flows, but there is no evidence of it. The e-flows
recommendations therefore need to be reworked with a much more holistic
perspective; until then, the releases mentioned in the report should be
considered minimum threshold values.
All of these issues must be addressed in order to understand the
whole range of cumulative impacts of projects in the region. WII should
be asked to work on these aspects and come up with a report that
includes all possible impacts and their mitigation measures.
In the meantime, the MoEF should adopt all the recommendations made
in the WII study without any closed-door negotiations with the project
proponents. It is learnt that GMR Energy rejected the WII impact scores
and the MoEF accepted their arguments before giving the project forest
clearance. None of these discussions have been put in the public domain.
Accepting the word of private project proponents against the
biodiversity scores developed by the WII is clearly unacceptable. If
there has to be any discussion, it must be transparent.
It is time for the MoEF to take some hard decisions and walk the talk
about sustainable development. It must review its decision on forest
and environment clearance for all projects that the WII report has asked
to be excluded, including GMR’s 300 MW Alaknanda Hydro. The MoEF should
tell the WII to redo the study, keeping the above flaws in mind. It
should reject the AHEC report and instruct an independent credible
agency to do another one. In the meantime, it would be in the best
interests of everyone that the MoEF suspends the process of giving
clearance to new hydro projects in Uttarakhand. Yes, we do need energy,
but it need not be at the cost of our life-support systems.
Written By Parineeta Dandekar@InfoChange India
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