Friday, February 3, 2012

Clean Water for Haiti is a faith based, volunteer run, non-profit mission. We exist to provide the people of Haiti with affordable access to clean water in their homes through the use of Biosand water filters. 

Why Biosand water filters? Haiti has a water problem. Most water sources are contaminated. Most people can't afford expensive filtration systems, and can't afford to buy treated water. They have no choice but to use the contaminated water. Biosand filters work. Simple. Inexpensive. Effective.

 People need the freedom to choose what is best for their family. Through our subsidized filter program Haitian families have that power to choose. A family can actively participate in improving their standard of health, saving money, and improving their quality of life.

Through our sanitation and hygiene education we are teaching people how to take simple, pro-active steps in their everyday lives that will help stop the spread of sickness and disease. Education gives people power.

We also believe in employing local people and using local materials whenever possible, feeding into the local economy and helping people learn skills valuable in many aspects of life.

Giving people some control over their quality of life in a country where people often feel powerless is a gift without a price tag. Choices, participation, education – these are all key components to lasting change and development. 

 Because filter recipients pay a small fee for their filter there is an invested value. This helps us ensure that the families who receive filters truly want them and will use them. It also helps us to be good stewards of the donations we receive rather than investing resources on those that do not want to adopt the technology.

All funds received from filter recipients go right back into our filter program, helping us to make more filters and to help more families have access to clean water in their home.

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