Sunday, November 6, 2011

Help Save Our Beloved Old Lake Bosomtwi-Ghana

Like everything else, while other nations are striving for a uniform set of standards in eradicating all dimensions of pollution and diseases from commercial fish farming even on high seas, Ghana our Motherland copies and follows blindly; even at the expense of losing the one of the natural rainforest lakes in the world.

Yes; although fish farming will provide you with the Tilapia you desire, why do you resort to aquaculture in Lake Bosomtwi as opposed to other channels such as the Volta Lake which has outlets or in ground ponds?

Allowing Fish Farming inside the waters of Lake Bosomtwi will have serious, devastating ramifications on the lake’s ecological system, if not the entire lake basin environment; thus, should be banned with immediate effect by authorities designated to protect our environment.

Read more on GhanaWeb

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